Friday, 6 February 2009

eye candy

This is kind of like a guest appearance from me, Biba! As Lisa is having a rather busy week to put it politely, i thought i would pop over for a lovely brew and some cake, then post some eye candy while i'm here!
I'm far from a proper foody recipe kind of person, maybe because my main focus on food is what is looks like not what it tastes like - which, yes i know is wrong wrong wrong!!
But these cupcakes below are soooooooo pretty who cares what they taste like. Maybe this is why i stick to interiors ;)

pics via flickr NOT made by moi


  1. Thank you Biba!!! What would I do without you? I need a cake now... x

  2. Biba, you are always providing eye candy of some sort! I've been craving a cupcake for weeks now - they are everywhere I turn. I'm fighting the urge to pick one up at a bakery, as I really need channel my inner Martha Stewart and bake this weekend.
